The last couple of weeks have been hot. Elbereth prefers to stay indoors and sleep most of the day, except for the occasional plunge into the garden pool where she drinks and wades at the same time. It is too shallow for her to swim and the water stays very cold, but on the hottest days she bends down to get her chest wet. And then she runs back to the house, attacks her towels and insists on getting rubbed dry.
A week ago we inhereted Xyzzy, a fourteen year old female cat, from a friend of Tom Ivar's who died recently. Due to unfortunate circumstances, she was operated on before Tom found out where she was and could tell the vet that she already was neutered - thirteen years ago. Now all we have to do is to get Xyzzy well, and then get the three cats and Elbereth used to each other.
Last saturday new half-siblings of Elbereth was born in Germany, four males and two females. Leon is the father and
Smilla the mother. Congratulations!!! One the males will go to live with Leon's family.