tirsdag 16. juni 2009

12 weeks, big, bold and beautiful!

Elbereth continues to grow, last Friday she was found to be 8,6 kgs. She is much loved by us and much admired by people she encounters. We have great fun telling them that: no, she is not a cute mix of breeds, she is a Picard, a rare breed from France. Then the height/weight/age phrases and rounding up with a short story about her parentage. :-)

Last week was a time for firsts. I've already told about her first muzzle-to-mule with horses. She also jumped into a lake for her first real swim, followed by a second swim by merely seconds. She obviously enjoyed it in spite of cold water and she slept soundly afterwards. Not so fun was her first encounter with one of the cats' claws. Just one cat and one claw, and it went very well after giving Tom and me a real fright.

She also went on her first train ride and into town for the first time. We need working on getting her used to cars and bikes, now she tries to attack them in passing if we don't pay attention.

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